A week before the election, when I believed that come January, Hillary would be hanging her pantsuits neatly in the White House, I joked that none of this would be happening if all men just had penises that were the same size. Surely, Mr. Trump wouldn’t feel the urge to compensate for his own insecurities through his toxic need to make others feel as small as his undoubtedly minuscule member. On Wednesday morning, the joking stopped. I wanted to sit and pout like a child, figuring if certain people could tantrum like children and get elected into our highest office, I surely should be allowed one day.

I was tempted to keep quiet this week and thought, how could I share something that hasn’t already been said? My writing is about motherhood, not politics. But all I was left with was a feeling of powerlessness and if I’m to be a role model for my kids, it is time to pick myself up and show my girls what strong women are made of. All I needed to do was see them looking up at me with their wondrous blue eyes and I felt the weight of this awesome responsibility I have before me. 

So here is my pledge for my tiny Americans and while I once believed these things were common sense and there was a universal understanding about the fundamentals of right and wrong so it therefore didn't need to be repeated, I have learned a valuable lesson, that silence is even more dangerous.

I will teach my children that they are to be respected and cherished. Real men do not joke about sexual assault no matter if they are in a locker room, a bus, or the White House.

I will teach my children that bigotry and sexism are not democratic values. Of all the articles I read post-election, this chord struck the deepest. Since I was once a Junior High teacher, I could easily picture my 15 year old students telling me they are now free to use certain words or promote violence in this new "Trump USA" and my heart ached for every educator backed into this corner. My babies are too young to understand this, but not too young to wave and smile at everyone in line at the grocery store. 

In the words of the eloquent First Lady, Michelle Obama, “When they go low, we go high”. I am beyond tempted to start spewing hateful language about Trump and his supporters, but this is both hypocritical and unproductive-- so if you need me I will be on the high road, offering hugs and messages of hope.

My cousin, Justin, took to the streets of Oakland to offer unity in a time of fear and uncertainty. 

My cousin, Justin, took to the streets of Oakland to offer unity in a time of fear and uncertainty. 

Above all, I will teach them that love trumps hate. I adore word play and never has a message been more witty or profoundly relevant.

As I spent Wednesday morning in a puddle of tears, squeezing my kids every second they would allow me, I thanked Charlotte for her love and she said, “Love makes everything all better.” Perhaps this means I’m on the right track.